My name is Sebastien Varrette. With more than 15 years of postdoctoral and team management experience, I'm currently Research Scientist at the University of Luxembourg (UL) and Head of the Research Computing and HPC operations team. In particular, I lead the management and development of the UL High Performance Computing (HPC) and Big Data facility (i.e. the supercomputer of the UL), and the associated core expert operation team supporting it.

In parallel, I am pursuing and developing my research line in the domains of the security and performance of parallel and distributed computing platforms, such as HPC, Cloud Computing or Data Analytics infrastructures. More details are provided in my short biography.
Below are a couple of recent events I wanted to highlight, among all my blog posts.

High Performance Computing

A large part of my time is dedicated to the management of the UL HPC Digital Platform and of the associated expert HPC operations team.

UL HPC HPC Technical Docs


Get my tutorials and notes. You might also wish to take a look at the UL HPC tutorials developed in the context of the High Performance Computing School I organize twice a year.


Get the slides I made covering a variety of topics.

Keynotes Slides

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