IEEE CloudCom 2016

In 2015, together with Pascal Bouvry, we proposed our candidature to act as general chairs of the prestigious IEEE CloudCom conference and thus organize the 2016 edition in Luxembourg under our responsibility. We were happy that the CloudCom Steering committee chairs (i.e Prof. Chunming Rong and Dr. Martin Gilje Jaatun) selected us.

The 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (IEEE CloudCom 2016) was held in the city of Luxembourg, in the Alvisse Parc Hotel on 12-15 December 2016. CloudCom is the premier conference on Cloud Computing worldwide, attracting researchers, developers, users, students and practitioners from the fields of big data, systems architecture, services research, virtualization, security and privacy, high performance computing, always with an emphasis on how to build cloud computing platforms with real impact. The conference is co-sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), is steered by the Cloud Computing Association, and draws on the excellence of its world-class Program Committee and its participants.

I confess it was (really) a tremendous work for 1 year to prepare, coordinate and organize this conference and I am relieved of the successful completion of the 2016 edition. Here are a few key numbers highlighting the various outcomes of this work:

This successful event is the result of the hard work and synergy within a nice and efficient bunch of people (most of them on the pictures below). On behalf of Pascal and myself, we would to thank them again for their tremendous involvement!

Below are a couple of pictures taken during the conference, most of them completing the ones proposed in the IEEE CloudCom 2016 photo gallery.

Credits for the pictures: Hyacinthe Cartiaux, Valentin Plugaru