Invited Speaker @
On Thursday, September 20th, ISACA.Lu (the ISACA Luxembourg Chapter), celebrated its 10th anniversary. At this occasion, I was invited as keynote speaker to discuss the evolution of ‘HPC & Big Data Analytics in Luxembourg at the EuroHPC horizon’.
I would like to thank Michael Sim, Roland Bastin, Lionel Dupre and the member of board to offer me this opportunity. All my gratitude also goes to Sidonie Stire and Farwest for the excellent organization of this event.
10th anniversary celebration for (Photo) report
It was the occasion to (briefly) review the hardware equipment and infrastructure enabling at scale to accelerate modelling and simulation in the data deluge era. This makes supercomputers and High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities strategic priorities at the heart of major fundings in all advanced countries. Thus, the current state of developments at the local and international level was reviewed in the context of the national and European HPC strategy in which Luxembourg is starting to play a role. I also proposed as conclusion a brief survey of future challenges, in particular with regards the Quantum Computing paradigm. Many thanks to Jean Noël Quintin for allowing me to borrow some of his slides material at that occasion!
The event was followed by a walking-dinner to celebrate the 10th-anniversary of ISACA.Lu.