Best Student Paper Award IEEE NSS 2014
Our paper entitled “Exploiting the Hard-wired Vulnerabilities of Newscast via Connectivity-splitting Attack” [1], accepted for publication and presented at the 8th IEEE International Conference on Network and System Security (IEEE NSS 2014), has received the ‘Best student paper award’.
Newscast is a model for information dissemination and mem- bership management in large-scale, agent-based distributed systems. It deploys a simple, peer-to-peer data exchange protocol. The Newscast pro- tocol forms an overlay network and keeps it connected by means of an epidemic algorithm, thus featuring a complex, spatially structured, and dynamically changing environment. It has recently become very popu- lar due to its inherent resilience to node volatility as it exhibits strong self-healing properties. In this paper, we analyze the robustness of the Newscast model when executed in a distributed environment subjected to malicious acts. More precisely, we evaluate the resilience of Newscast against cheating faults and demonstrate that even a few naive cheaters are able to defeat the protocol by breaking the network connectivity. Concrete experiments are performed using a framework that implements both the protocol and the cheating model considered in this work.
- J. Muszyński, S. Varrette, J. L. J. Laredo, and P. Bouvry, “Exploiting the Hard-wired Vulnerabilities of Newscast via Connectivity-splitting Attack,” in Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Network and System Security (NSS 2014), Xi’an, China, 2014, vol. 8792, pp. 152–165.