UL HPC School 2017
Together with the UL HPC Team, we have organized the fifth edition of our High Performance Computing School, which was held on the Belval campus.
It was preceded by an exhausting review of all planned ULHPC tutorials to ensure they are proposed in an updated / SLURM way.
As it was added on top the last months and the intense work to setup the new iris
cluster, I can testify we ended this week quite exhausted but also relieved to see the cluster and the school so successful.
In all cases, this 2 days event permitted to cover over parallel sessions both basic and advanced usages – see Agenda.
I even found the time to add a new Big Data tutorial targetting the usage of Apache Spark on top of the platform :-) As always, the UL HPC School 2017 was the occasion for me to offer an updated view of the UL HPC platform, and its future in the context of the Euro-HPC project.
Title: Overview and Challenges of the UL HPC Facility at the Belval and EuroHPC Horizon
UL HPC School 2017 Sessions/Slides
We took a single photo of the audience the second day:
Unfortunately, we were so absorbed by our respective sessions that we completely forgot to make a group picture, as well as taking images of the many sessions. For sure we’ll do our best to correct that at the next edition.