Energumen Days: UL HPC Facility Workload Analysis
The Energumen project propose to revisit the principles of existing Resource and Job Management System (RJMS) such as OAR or Slurm toward the evolution of large-scale parallel systems, by using a more malleable computational paradigm for a better use of the resources along with energy optimization
While a french project funded by the the ANR (under reference ANR-18-CE25-0008), the University of Luxembourg stands as external partner and it is a great opportunity to see back and collaborate with former colleagues and friends from Grenoble (Denis Trystram, Olivier Richard, Grégory Mounié etc.) and Toulouse (Georges Da Costa).
At the occasion of the first post-COVID physical meeting organized by Denis on June 24, 2021 in Lyon, I came to present my work in progress that could serve as basis for further collaborations within the project.
Title: UL HPC Facility Workload Analysis: Impact of updated model for Fairshare, Account Hierarchy and Limits for Iris/Aion. [draft] Workload characterization