Trusted Computing and DLTs
In the context of the Master in Technopreneurship (MTECH) proposed at the University of Luxembourg, I provided the lecture serie on “Trusted Computing (TC) Paradigms and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs)”.
For those interested to know more (and french reader), don’t hesitate to buy our book “Les blockchains en 50 questions”!
Note: The follow-up session I gave on Semester 3 and dedicated to advanced DLT usage and NFT can be found on this page.
Part I: Introduction to Trusted Computing (TC) Paradigm
- Introduction
- Computing Platforms Architecture
- Computing Taxonomy and Deployment Model
- Computing Security Challenges and Underlying Concepts
- Fault Tolerance
- Cryptography TL;DR;
- CyberSecurity TL;DR;
- Trusted Computing (TC) Paradigm
- Trusted Computing Group (TCG) and Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
- TPM Architecture and Specifications
- TPM-enabled Application Developments: TPM 2.0 Software Stack (TSS)
- TPM 2.0 Tools [Practical] Session:
Illustrated - TPM Attacks and Known Vulnerabilities
- TPM Alternatives: Apple T2 Security Chip
- Example of TC-based R&D: CertiCloud
Part II: Introduction to Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) and Blockchains
- Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs)
- Main Blockchains Concepts and Terminology
- Transaction and Blocks
- Mining
Consensus Models: BFT, Proof-of-Work(PoW),Stake(PoS),[Leased Delegated] PoS - Forks
- Crypto-currency and Digital Wallets
- Smart Contracts and DApps
- Overview
- Decentralized Application (DApps)
- ERC-20
- Conclusion